I was sitting in the dentist chair getting my teeth cleaned, and I began to moan. Not because of a recent Achilles operation, not because of my teeth, no it was because of pain in both my shoulders. In addition to pain in my shoulders, for weeks I had been having referred pain running down my arms, and numbness in both my hands down to my fingertips. It was intolerable. Sleeping was horrible. My range of motion was increasingly becoming restricted, and the outlook looked worse if I did not do something. One shoulder was well on its way to becoming frozen.
My doctor gave me a couple Cortisone shots, and I went to physical therapy. The pain dissipated and I was discharged. I was still somewhat restricted in my use, and I could see the possibility of the pain flaring up again. I began strength training again. My trainer restricted my range of motion to a pain-free range. The range was very small at first, but it increased over time. Each week he had me lift a little more. Slowly my range of motion increased and the last remnants of pain disappeared. I did not have to get into a special position to sleep. I just slept hassle-free.
I had not been working out for some time before and long after my Achilles operation. After this recent shoulder experience, I feel I can’t afford not to work out. I feel the pain will return. It feels so good after a workout. Old injuries will come back to haunt you unless you do something to keep them at bay. For me the solution was strength training. Not any old strength training, but lifting on MedX medical rehab equipment designed for those with limiting factors and also for those with sound bodies as well.
At Austin Personal Training and New Orleans Fitness trainers we offer extensive lines of MedX strength and rehabilitative exercise equipment. One client who suffered from back pain called her improvement "a radical transformation"