Living with pain or living without it

“ A year ago at this time I was experiencing frequent bouts of aches and pains in my neck, shoulders, and back. I figured it was just part of growing older. Since I started strength training last January, these problems have gone away. Amazing!”

This was the experience of Bill Milliken who trains with Timothy, one of our Austin Personal trainers. Carole had a similar experience: “I woke up every day with back pain. Going up and down stairs was painful for me knees. I am now pain-free”.

There are many changes that come from exercise - increases in strength, speed, stamina, body leanness, and flexibility – that can be measured. Changes that cannot be accurately measured include how well you feel and the decreased likelihood of injury and the attendant pain. The right exercise can result in an increase in one’s quality of life. In some cases it can be dramatically life changing. As trainers this is the most rewarding result we experience with clients.

Exercise can go a long way in relieving pain and decreasing the likelihood of injury if it is the right exercise and the right amount of exercise. At Austin Personal Trainers and New Orleans Personal Trainers we use MedX rehabilitative exercise equipment that is easier on the joints and can be adjusted to accommodate those with limitations. We also use exercise protocols that were derived from exercise studies and have been proven effective for all ages and levels of fitness. We also have many years of experience working with those with pain, so that they can avoid the trial and error and the possibility of additional injury that can result by doing it on their own.

Previous blog entries in the series What Clients Are Saying:
1. @#%& incredible
2. Seems too good to be true, but it actually is that good
3. After each session, I always felt better on all levels.
4. This would not have happened to me if I had a personal trainer
5. This affects all aspects of my life.
6. I saw a remarkable change in my body
7. A Radical Transformation
8. I don’t think I would be alive today
9. Amazing and remarkable
10.My doctor said it would not be necessary to start taking drugs to preserve my bone density
11.What Clients Are Saying - "My years of strength training helped me survive cancer"
12. Under no circumstances stop exercising because that is what is keeping you going
13. I have officially lost 50 pounds
14. I was in tears walking on the Great Wall of China
15. I love this workout

16. More results in eight weeks than I had in three years.