Decreasing scoliosis curvature without surgery or braces

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Researchers found that for adolescents with scoliosis there exists an imbalance of the muscles used for truck rotation that can be addressed with a certain type of rotational exercise.   In this study, The role of measured resistance exercises in adolescent scoliosis, 20 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis performed resistance training on the MedX rotary torso – one set twice a week for four months.  The results:

“Sixteen of the 20 experienced a curvature reduction and no patient showed an increase in curve. “

It can be difficult to isolate and safely work the rotational muscles of the torso. When exercising with the MedX rotary torso machine you are firmly secured in the machine in an upright position.  This secured position prevents cheating thereby more effectively targets the intended muscles.  The range of motion can be finely adjusted to accommodate those with limitations.  These features make for effective safe targeting of the hard-to-isolate trunk rotation muscles.

Carol, one of our clients with scoliosis, suffered from persistent back pain for years.  Past attempts at strength training exercise resulted in more pain.  Her back pain disappeared when she started training with us.  She has remained pain-free for 11 years now.

Anyone can benefit from this exercise.  Golf, tennis, and sports involving throwing predominantly use one side of the body.  This can create muscles imbalances that lead to back injuries.   With proper use of the MedX rotary torso imbalances are reduced.   At Austin strength training and New Orleans strength training we have the MedX rotary torso along with all the other MedX Core equipment and full line of MedX strength equipment.