Study finds lack of exercise is more deadly than obesity — Kelly Personal Training

Austin (512) 964-8787

Study finds lack of exercise is more deadly than obesity

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life” ~ Dean Wormer. He should amend that statement to include the lack of exercise. According to this study, the lack of exercise is more deadly than obesity.

A quote from the study:

“Using the most recent data on deaths in Europe, Ekelund's team estimated that 337,000 of the 9.2 million deaths of European men and women were linked to obesity. However, twice that number of deaths could be connected to lack of exercise.”

For many, exercise can be drudgery and few stick with it. The renewal rate at health clubs is 30 percent. With monthly bank drafts health clubs can end up being collection agencies disguised as health clubs.

Here is a prescription for exercise that you can stick to: Don’t see how much exercise you can withstand; find out what is the least amount that will produce the most change in all aspects of fitness, and do that each week. Make modest changes in your eating, and engage in activities you enjoy. A year from now you will be profoundly changed.

At  Austin Strength Training  and  New Orleans Strength Training our program is designed to improve all six commonly recognized aspects of fitness. It doesn't involve hours in the gym. Exercise should free you up to engage in those activities you enjoy and not be a source of drudgery.