The Transformation of Bojack - a True Story

The following story is true, only the identities were changed.  Chaz and Bojack had long played golf together, and both had knee replacement surgery the same week.  Chaz had exercised religiously at Kelly Personal Training before the operation and resumed shortly thereafter. He has been strength training 30 minutes a week for years. His recovery was swift, and he was ready for duck hunting season.  He had no problem getting in and out of a boat. Meanwhile, Bojack who did not exercise was still using a walker.

Chaz stuck to the exercise program for the years that followed.  Chaz, now 78 years old, was still an avid golfer but had few golfers his age to join him.  Bojack, five years younger, could play just nine holes and the next day was too rundown to play again.

Chaz insisted that Bojack try the same exercise program.  Chaz said, “You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Anybody can stick to one half hour a week.”  

Bojack began exercising. A year later Bojack was playing 18 holes, and the next day, 18 holes again.  He was hitting the ball farther and enjoying golf again. Bojack results were extraordinary, but others have had similar results. In fact, those who are more drastically out of shape typically show more improvement. They have more upside potential for improvement compared to those who are already in shape. It is also important to note that Bojack was getting the additional health benefit of playing several more rounds of golf each week.

For 20 years we have been working to help those who are recovering from surgery or injuries get them back to a full life. Best of all, it doesn’t require endless hours in the gym.

Proper strength training enables one to do more that just exist, but to thrive. People aren’t usually put in nursing homes because of a lack of aerobic conditioning; it’s because they’re too weak. Loss of strength ultimately leads to life compromising conditions such as herniated discs, osteoporosis, arthritis, type-2 diabetes, weight gain, injuries from falling, or heart disease - a diminished life. Proper strength training can lead to an enhanced active life.


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